Posts count: 2
13 years, 4 months ago
After testing beta-status of nuSPIC web-application, you can post your suggestion, ideas, tips, comments, advicing, ... etc. in this topic.
This forum is also in beta-status.

Thank you for you time,
nuSPIC Team

Beer and chips are free.
Posts count: 9
13 years, 4 months ago

My suggestion would be to include a spike detector (and perhaps voltmeter), at least for the first network, with minimal connectivity if you're concerned. I suggest this, only because everybody for the first time presses 'Simulate' then goes 'uh, and now what?'.

Think of it as a type of spic-tutorial ;)
Posts count: 6
13 years, 4 months ago
Recording membrane potentials from several neurons yields an array of membrane potential traces. It is not immediately clear, which corresponds from which neuron, though. A small label should fix this. It would be more convenient to turn on magnification by a mouseover/click event.
Posts count: 9
13 years, 4 months ago
Although we have the connectivity matrix, it's difficult to view this on the network figure as many connections terminate/begin at the same place. Would it be possible to designate one side as input, and the other output, so at least the user can determine which neuron is pre/post for a connection?
Posts count: 6
13 years, 4 months ago
Would it be possible, to encode the strength of the connections in terms of the thickness of the connector in order to support the interpretation of the connectivity matrix? An alternative could be to pop up a little window when pointing to a link, or pointing to a neuron, with all the relevant information about parameters.
Posts count: 9
13 years, 4 months ago
I only just found out that the mean firing rate for the Poisson generator is also available to be set (couldn't previously see it, so assumed that it was set with a sensible default value). Instead, this was set to have a default of 0 (facepalm) ...

As this is a pretty basic parameter for a poisson generator, I would suggest showing it along with delay and weight.
Posts count: 6
13 years, 4 months ago
The DC generator doesn't seem to have any effect on neurons. Maybe I used it in a wrong way...
Posts count: 5
13 years, 4 months ago
- put somewhere a disclaimer "register to play!"
- more functions for the histogram please (number of bins)
- when one applies one change , please highlight all changes done (maybe in different colors) and not only the last one
Posts count: 2
13 years, 4 months ago
maybe of interest to you the nuSPIC team:
Posts count: 6
13 years, 4 months ago
For the Poisson generator I would expect to be able to specify both the rate and the weight...